Our values

in every action
We invest our efforts and resources in research activities, development of new technologies to develop new effective drug products and launch industrial manufacturing.

in every deed
We proudly bear the responsibility for public health by closely monitoring the development process as well as test and manufacturing stages to ensure the quality of drug products.

in everything
We effectively build business processes, upgrade and create modern drug manufacturing processes. We also manufacture high demand drug products of various pharmaceutical groups.
Please note. The brand name has changed.
Look for Bromcamphora in pharmacies under the name of «Dobrocam».
Nobazit® - new indications for useOn March 28, 2023, within the framework of the XV Annual All-Russian Congress on Infectious Diseases named after the Academician V.I. Pokrovsky, a symposium was held on the viral diseases treatment current issues, entitled “Universal Approaches to the Therapy of Respiratory Viral Infections during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Visit of the Kemerovo Oblast – Kuzbass Governor to the “Avexima Siberia” LLC, Pharmaceutical PlantThe Kemerovo Oblast – Kuzbass Governor, Sergey Tsivilev, visited the “Avexima Siberia” LLC, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant in Anzhero-Sudzhensk town.
Antiviral drug “Nobazit” from “Avexima”, the Russian pharmaceutical company, at the main musical event of the year – the National Music Award “Golden Gramophone”.The modern antiviral drug “Nobazit” has become the official sponsor of the National Music Award “Golden Gramophone”, which took place on December 10, 2022. As a gift from the sponsor, the singer and composer Dmitry Malikov received a supply of the antiviral drug “Nobazit”.
FURACILIN AVEXIMA New Packaging ReleaseThe “Avexima”, OJSC, Pharmaceutical Company, informs you about the release of FURACILIN AVEKSIMA effervescent tablets No. 20 (5 strips of 4 tablets each) on the market in October 2022.