- Registration number:ЛСР-009026/10
- International non-proprietary name:nitrofural
- Pharmaceutical form:tablets for solution for topical and external use
- Pharmacotherapeutic group:antimicrobial agent - nitrofural
- Dosage form:tablets for solution for topical and external use 20 mg No. 10 and No. 20
- Composition:active substance: nitrofural (furacilin) - 20 mg
FURACILIN is an antimicrobial agent.
It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens). It is effective in case of microbial resistance to other antimicrobial drugs (not belonging to the group of nitrofurans). Resistance to nitrofuran develops slowly and does not achieve a high degree.
- Indications
- stomatitis, gingivitis;
- blepharitis, conjunctivitis;
- acute otitis externa and otitis media;
- external auditory canal furuncle;
- osteomyelitis;
- empyema of paranasal sinuses, pleura (rinsing of the cavities);
- suppurative wounds, bedsores;
- II–III grade burns;
- fine skin damages (including abrasions, scratches, crackles, cuts).
- Method of administration and posology:
- For mouth and throat gargling - 20 mg (1 tablet) are dissolved in 100 mL of water.
- Blepharitis, conjunctivitis - instillation of aqueous solution in a conjunctival sac.
- Empyema of paranasal sinuses (including that in antritis) - rinsing of the cavity.
- Osteomyelitis after surgery - rinsing of the cavity with subsequent wet dressing applying.
- Empyema of pleura - after elimination of the pus, the pleural cavity is rinsed, and 20-100 mL of aqueous solution are administered.
- To rinse the urinary tract and bladder, use the aqueous solution with a 20 min exposure.
- In otitis - an alcoholic solution heated up to body temperature is to be instilled at a dose of 5-6 drops into external auditory canal every day.
- For topical application, external use:
wounds irrigation and wet dressings application.
- Shelf life:
5 years. Do not use after the expiry date.
- Manufacturer
- LLC "Avexima Siberia"
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