- Registration number:ЛСР-010613/09
- International non-proprietary name:levomenthol + dextrose
- Pharmaceutical form:sublingual tablets
- Pharmacotherapeutic group:coronary dilating drug with reflex action
- Dosage form:sublingual tablets No. 20
- Composition:levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate (Validol) - 60 mg, dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 188 mg
VALIDOL AVEXIMA produces a sedating effect, it has a moderate reflex vasodilatory action mediated by irritation of nerve endings. It stimulates production and release of enkephalins, endorphins, and a range of other peptides, kinins, which actively participate in regulation of vascular permeability, generation of pain sensation.
Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: 1 tablet corresponds to 0.054 bread unit.-
Indications for use:
• functional cardialgias;
• neuroses;
• antiemetic agent in sea and air sickness.
- Manufacturer
- OJSC "Irbitsky Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant"
Sublingually, keep in the mouth until complete dissolution.
For adults, 1 tablet 2-3 times daily.
Daily frequency and duration of intake are determined based on the treatment efficacy.
Shelf life
is 2 years. Do not use after the expiry date.
We recommend
antiviral agent, aciclovir
Combination drug
Antiviral drug
Antiepileptic agent
Spasmolytic agent
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial agent
Combination drug
Antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent
Antimicrobial agent
Coronary dilating drug
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent.
Enzyme product
Calcium channel blocker
Analgesic agent
Antifungal agent
Antimicrobial agent
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
Potassium and magnesium preparation
Combination antimicrobial agent
Antifungal agents
Antifungal agent
Metabolic agent