- Registration number:ЛСР-005236/09
- International non-proprietary name:acetylsalicylic acid + caffeine + paracetamol
- Pharmaceutical form:tablets
- Pharmacotherapeutic group:Combination analgesic agent (NSAID + nonnarcotic analgesic drug + psychostimulant)
- Dosage form:tablets No. 10 and No. 20
- Composition:Active substances: acetylsalicylic acid - 240 mg, paracetamol - 180 mg, caffeine - 30 mg
CITRAMON P has an antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory action, dilates blood vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, and decreases somnolence and fatigue.
- Acetylsalicylic acid has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action, it reduces pain, especially that caused by an inflammatory process, and moderately suppresses platelets aggregation and thrombi formation, improves microcirculation in the inflammation focus.
- Paracetamol has an analgesic, antipyretic, and slight anti-inflammatory action, which is associated with its effects on the heat-regulating center in hypothalamus and mildly expressed ability to inhibit prostaglandins (Pg) synthesis within peripheral tissues.
- Caffeine increases the spinal cord reflex excitability, activates the inspiratory and vasomotor centers, dilates blood vessels of skeletal muscles, brain, heart, kidneys, reduces platelets aggregation; decreases somnolence, fatigue.
- Within such combination, low doses of caffeine do not have stimulating action with respect to central nervous system, but it contributes to regulation of the cerebral vessels tonicity.
- Indications
- Mild to moderate pain syndrome of various origin:
— headache;
— migraine;
— toothache;
— neuralgia,
— myalgia;
— arthralgia;
— algodysmenorrhea. - Fever syndrome:
in acute respiratory diseases, including influenza.
- Mild to moderate pain syndrome of various origin:
- Method of administration and posology:
Orally, during or after meal.
1 tablet every 4 hours;
in pain syndrome - 1-2 tablets;
average daily dose - 3-4 tablets,
maximal daily dose - 8 tablets.The medicinal product can be used for not more than 7-10 days.
- It is important to know!
To reduce the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the tablet should be taken with milk or alkaline mineral water.
- Shelf life
4 years. Do not use the medicine after the expiry date.
- Manufacturer
LLC "Avexima Siberia"
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