The “Avexima” Company and the Pharmaceutical Company “FC Grand Capital” are considering the possibility of developing drugs on Russky Island
The “Avexima” Company and the Pharmaceutical Company “FC Grand Capital” are considering the possibility of developing drugs on Russky Island
The “Avexima” Company, jointly with the national pharmaceutical distributor, the Pharmaceutical Company “FC Grand Capital”, are considering the possibility of implementing a project to create innovative laboratories on Russky Island with the aim of reproducing and developing modern drugs.
The possibility of implementing a large-scale project was assessed by the “Avexima” Company representatives during a working visit to Primorye on March 23-24, 2022.
The Pharmaceutical Company “Avexima” expertise in the field of implementation of high-tech projects for the development and production of medicines with the financial participation of the national pharmaceutical distributor, the Pharmaceutical Company “FC Grand Capital”, will not only significantly accelerate the creation of laboratories and the introduction of innovative developments to the market, but also organize the developed and reproduced medicines distribution and prompt delivery to each subject of the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time.
For two days, together with the Development Foundation of the Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC) “Russian”, the delegation visited the scientific and educational units of the Far Eastern Federal University, got acquainted with the preliminary draft planning of scientific and educational clusters, examined the pilot site of the innovative scientific and educational center, and also visited the production of one of the promising residents – the Arnika Group of Companies.
Following the results of the working meeting, Elena Kharisova, the Head of the Development Foundation of the Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC) “Russian”, proposed several options for companies to participate in the project at once.
Elena Kharisova said, “Reproduction and development of modern medicinal products in Russia is one of the most important state tasks. We invite you to take part in a pilot project, where there is an opportunity to test the model of interaction between the company and the university, in particular, in the issue of personnel training. We would also be glad to see you as a resident of the scientific and educational cluster “Biomedicine”, which reflects your activity specifics in full.”
Igor Onokhov, the Head of the Project Development and Implementation Department, expressed interest in participating in the project.
“At present, the “Avexima” Company has already a successfully operating Research and Development center in Skolkovo. It is important for us that the projects do not duplicate each other, but complement each other. Therefore, first of all, we have to decide on the concept of locating innovation laboratories,” he explained.
During the visit, the delegation members were able to familiarize themselves with the latest developments in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals in the Far East. The Deputy Director for Development of the Institute of Life Sciences and Biomedicine of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vadim Kumeyko, presented his developments to them.
In addition, representatives of the “Avexima” Company inspected the production facilities of the Arnika Group of Companies. During the visit, the company representatives discussed projects by Far Eastern scientists that could be used to develop pharmacology and the new medicines emergence in Russia, as well as other promising joint projects, including in the Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC).
It should be noted that, “Avexima”, OJSC, is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and medicines. The company's chemical and pharmaceutical plants are located in Moscow, Kemerovo and Sverdlovsk Oblasts. The range of manufactured products includes drugs of various pharmacotherapeutic groups with a total production capacity of more than 1.5 billion units of finished products per year.
On the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in 2021, the Development Foundation of the Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC) “Russian” and the “Avexima” Company signed a memorandum of understanding for long-term cooperation.
Elena Tkachenko, the CEO of the “Avexima”, OJSC, Pharmaceutical Company, noted then, “Our goal is to create an R&D complex for developments in the field of pharmaceuticals. We are talking about modern pilot sites for the production of medicines, dietary supplements, medical devices in accordance with the GMP standard on the basis of the center. In the very near future, it is planned to launch a pilot project to bring products with high export potential to the Asia-Pacific markets - antiviral and immune drugs - as a participant in the Development Foundation of the Innovative Science and Technology Center (ISTC) “Russian” project.”
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